Monday, October 24, 2016


As a result of a recent article about hired gun and mouth piece of Louis Moore Bacon, verbose Attorney Fred Smith QC (“Fred”) being brought to justice, we saw the need as a result of the comments of some of the more than 8,900 facebook hits at that we had of that posted article, to say: THE FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
Facebook_Banner-01-1Louis Moore Bacon, the quintessential ugly American, sought out, appointed and anointed Fred to lead and carry out his dirty plot against the Government and people of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas in his nefarious and unwarranted attack on Canadian philanthropist and fashion mogul, Peter Nygård. Criminal-like shot of Bacon
These easily verifiable facts are borne out by detailed research and meticulous examination by the Re-Negotiate.Org team in our pursuit to uncover and expose who the real Louis Moore Bacon is.  In so doing, we highlight the rot, double standards, dishonesty and corrupt mindset which emanates from his alter ego, Save The Bays and chief minion, Fred.
In canvassing scores of persons in the USA, Haiti, London and in our own Bahamas, Re-Negotiate.Org discovered by July 2010, after USA President Obama watered down that country’s

Julian Rifat (Bacon’s employee – Jailed)

Freedom of Information Act in passing the Dodd-Frank legislation in response to the Wall Street financial crisis that financially devastated millions of people around the world including the USA and The Bahamas, the doorway had been opened to criminally nab Bacon’s multi-billion hedge fund, Moore Capital Management Fund LLC.   That resulted in criminal fines being levied against Bacon’s company totaling more than $120 Million within a short period, heavy restrictions on its ability to trade, jail sentences meted for its key operatives close to Bacon and ongoing criminal investigations on Bacon and his company by the USA Justice Department.
By 2012, it was widely reported in the financial world that Bacon’s hedge fund had suffered severely in the markets which, along with the negative publicity associated with those criminal fines and restrictions levied on his company, raised questions about his management and led to him losing some of his top executives and traders.

Excerpts of the website of The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission showing Bacon’s company was criminally fined (April 29, 2010 and July 25, 2011)

It is believed that because the Dodd-Frank legislation required large hedge funds like Bacon’s to register with the USA’s Securities & Exchange Commission and provide details about their risk management, trading, and disciplinary records, Bacon has run to the unsuspecting Bahamas in his effort to transform his company into what’s known as a “family office”.  It is reported that Bacon considers the new disclosures required by the Dodd-Frank Act and watering down of the USA’s Freedom of Information Act, to be “a problem”, the requirement of which he does not wish to comply.
As a skillful hedge fund manager who knows how to use legislative tools like the USA-based Freedom of Information Act, Bacon is likely to have anticipated that USA dragnet years before it descended upon him.
Environment1It was in 2005-2006 and without any of the requisite permits having been issued by the relevant authorities, the process being governed by the Bahamas Environment Science & Technology (BEST) Commission then chaired by Re-negotiate’s Keod Smith, Bacon built a smuggler-type boat basin in his yard and underneath his so-called Point House in Lyford Cay at the southwestern tip of the Island of New Providence, The Bahamas.  Loading and off-loading cargo of any kind, even contraband, as well as the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, even illegal immigrants, could be done out of the sight of neighbors as well as law enforcement conducting surveillance.  This is the reason why such type structures were generally not permitted under the BEST Commission during those years.

nygard Cay
Picturesque Mayan-Themed Nygård Cay

The problem that Bacon would encounter with the use of this type of clandestine and illegal mooring, relates to the location of where it is, sharing a boundary with Nygård’s 100,000 square foot Mayan-themed mansion at the most western tip of Lyford Cay.
On the beach of his 5-acre sprawl, Nygård hosts hundreds of ordinary Bahamians including inner city children, church groups and even the Bahamas Olympic Beach Volleyball Team at night-time when strange goings-on trafficking in and out of Bacon’s smuggler-type boat basin which have been witnessed by Nygård’s guests and staff.
Why, one would ask, did Bacon reportedly overpay millions of unreported dollars for the shares in the Panamanian company called Point House Corporation that owns the Point House.  Then on top of that, in July 2005, he paid $20 Million for the adjoining property to the east of Point House, the title of which, in December 2007, was transferred into a USA Delaware company called The Rocks Holdings LLC.  Nygård contends publicly that Bacon or his surrogates had offered him $100 Million for his Nygård Cay property, to which he refused in favour of living on what he described as the most beautiful spot on earth.
Could the answer for the exorbitant sums be connected to the belief that, like the figurative boll weevil, Bacon was looking for a home from which he could continue with his financial trading unabated?  The problem with that is that it would amount to him and his hedge fund associates wreaking havoc on the financial systems of the world with impunity from within The Bahamas.  It is well-accepted that the regulatory framework in The Bahamas, not being as stringent as that of the USA, UK or Southeast Asia which are more in tuned with spotting the kind of criminal behaviour in respect of which Bacon’s associates, through his company, have already been convicted and imprisoned.

Keod Smith Clifton (2000)
Save Clifton grassroots campaign leader Keod Smith in 2000 (atop speakers)

If he could have enticed Nygård to sell to him Nygård Cay, he would have owned coastal properties on the Lyford Cay side of Clifton Bay by which he would have controlled more than 2,500 feet of coastline.  What would that have meant?

 Louis Moore Bacon
Louis Moore Bacon in 2013 at the National Audubon Society Award ceremony in New York City

The answer is found in January 2013 when Bacon initiated his failed effort to rope into his conspiracy to take over the Government of The Bahamas or have significant influence on it.  Bacon tried to achieve this by inviting the current Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Prime Minister, Perry Christie, to attend an Award Ceremony of the USA-based National Audubon Society which was honoring Bacon for his claim that he had led the grassroots campaign ultimately leading to the formation of the Clifton National Heritage Park.  [insert shot of Bacon at Audubon]  The problem with this is that he had lied.  That campaign, between 1999-2004 when the legislation forming the park was actually led by Renegotiate. Org’s Keod Smith, 2002-2007 PLP Member of Parliament for the Mount Moriah Constituency.
In the end, that purely political effort led by Keod resulted in the people of The Bahamas forcing the Hubert Ingraham Free National Movement (FNM) administration to stop with its push to allowing the 204 acres of land (Clifton National Heritage Park) with a trove of archaeological and anthropological evidence of our Lucayan, African and Loyalist ancestors, to be developed into a gated community for the rich and famous.

Keod Smith Re-Negotiate
Passageway at Clifton through which African slaves entered Nassau, The Bahamas

Keod has since gone on public record as saying that people who presented themselves as surrogates for Bacon had offered him millions of dollars to endorse ownership of that land being turned over to Bacon.  Keod turned the offer down and only learned who those persons really were after he had begun his successful legal representation of Nygård against Bacon in relation to Bacon’s unlawful attempt to extinguish the easement roadway to Nygård’s house.SavingCliftonAgain
From the content of the publication of two open letters by Bacon [insert letters heading as appearing in newspapers] in mainstream broadsheet newspapers, Bacon confirms that he wanted to buy the 204 acres of land making up the Clifton National Heritage Park and then gift it back to the Bahamian people.
This is when Keod says that he started the campaign of “Saving Clifton Heritage Again”, as he saw an ongoing play being made by Bacon to get the land of the Clifton National Heritage Park.  Keod’s 2013 campaign was designed to expose Bacon as wanting to own the land of the Clifton National Heritage Park or its coastline.  To Keod, it became clear that Bacon wanted the legal title of the land of the Clifton National Heritage Park to be passed through his hands so that he could shamelessly siphon those parts of it containing more than two miles of its pristine beaches and majestic coastline.
If Bacon could get the Clifton property and coastline, then, along with Bacon’s Point House property and Nygård’s Nygård Cay, Bacon would have then owned and controll all of the coastal property on either side of the mouth of Clifton Bay.  This means that with his smuggler-type boat basin at Point House and the cover of pitch-black darkness at night-time in Clifton Bay, anything or anyone could be brought in or out of the island out of sight of law enforcement.

Earl Deveaux
Dr. Earl Deveaux – Former FNM Cabinet Minister (Environment)

As is evident by his $20 Million estate purchase in 2005, Bacon hired Attorney Pericles Maillis as his land expert and self-proclaimed environmental conservationist.  His childhood friend, Dr. Earl Deveaux, was at that time well-placed as a cabinet Minister in the Hubert Ingraham FNM administration.

Pericles Maillis
Pericles Maillis – 1983 Commission of Inquiry found him to be associated with drug smuggler Frank Barber of Gorda Cay, Abaco

Maillis’ engagement, however, was the beginning of questionable characters hired by Bacon to make up his treasonous army to take over the Government of The Bahamas or to have his claws of influence sunk deep into our system so that he could achieve whatever he wanted through the misuse and manipulation.
In the 1985 parliamentary debate on the Report of the Commission of Inquiry on the Trafficking of Drugs through the Bahamas, Maillis and his father was named as having a “classic association” with Frank Barber, then a known drug smuggler who had operated out of Gorda Cay in the Abacos.  The Commissioners did not believe Maillis when he said that he was not aware of Barber’s illegal activities.
Back then, Maillis was charged on the floor of Parliament as having “an integral part” in the international conspiracy to exact “cold, calculated and deliberate lies” on then Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling which led to the infamous NBC report of 5th September, 1983.
Those lies were said in the Parliament to have been made up simply because Maillis could not get the PLP Pindling administration to allow him to get special treatment from Government Ministers for his second cousin, Thomas Maillis, also said on the floor of Parliament, to be a “criminal and a drug smuggler”.
The danger of the existence of a smuggler-type boat basin like Bacon’s was amplified in the May 2010 sudden death of his live-in property manager, Dan Tuckfield,  who was found dead in a pool in Bacon’s Point House.  The factual matrix surrounding Tuckfield’s death is detailedly set out in Court documents in an action in which Bacon is suing veteran broadcaster, Sherman Brown for writing about these issues.
Although Tuckfield’s death it was reported as a drowning necessitating an investigation by the police, according to the court documents, the death and surrounding facts, remain open.
In fact, court documents show that with direct involvement of Bacon’s overall representative in The Bahamas, Ian Levy, Tuckfield’s body was unlawfully cremated as Levy fabricated the identity of the person whom he presented as being the next of kin of Tuckfield and entitled to authorize the cremation.   With that, the physical evidence that could lead to a better understanding of whether Tuckfield’s death was a homicide, would have been destroyed with at least knowledge imputed to Bacon.
The unanswered Amended Defence and Counterclaim of Sherman Brown, shows that Tuckfield actually lived in Bacon’s Point House and presented himself as a Bahamian citizen although he was not, there not being any evidence in the Bahamas Department of Immigration that he was.  In fact, we can say that Tuckfield was a citizen of the USA who had actually been convicted in the USA in 1986 of trafficking of cocaine.

Dan Tuckfield
Dan Tuckfield – Found dead in pool of Bacon’s Point House where he lived and worked for Bacon (USA convicted in 1986 of trafficking cocaine)

With Bacon being the benefactor and employer of Tuckfield, a convicted felon in the USA, he was seen on numerous occasions running Bacon’s go-fast speed boat in and out of Bacon’s smuggler-type boat basin.  Tuckfield was even able to get gun licenses in The Bahamas with his registered address being that of Bacon’s Point House.  The Commissioner of Police confirmed the existence of gun licences in 2010-2011 when it was brought to his attention by members of the press in a press conference related a raid on Bacon’s Point House.
What is amazing is that neither Tuckfield nor Bacon had been arrested with witnesses playing volleyball on the beach of Nygård Cay reporting to having seen suspicious boats moving in and out of Bacon’s smuggler-type boat basin all through the night on which it was believed Tuckfield met his demised.
In December 2010, evidence had been presented in the Honourable Senate of The Bahamas by Senator Allyson Gibson (now Attorney General of The Bahamas), whereby she exposed the fact that Bacon had built the smuggler-type boat basin illegally.  The FNM Minister responsible, Minister Dion Foulkes, in collusion with Bacon’s cohorts, admitted on the floor of the Senate that he purportedly gave Bacon a permit “…after the fact”.
We say that this is not possible legally.  An act thatEnvironment-1 amounts to a crime when it is taken, cannot be unmade a crime at some subsequent point.
Why has Senator Allyson Gibson, the current Attorney General, not yet leveled charges against Bacon for having committed a criminal offence under the provisions of Conservation and Protection of the Physical Landscape of The Bahamas Act, 1997.  In fact, the construction of the smuggler-type boat basin infringed on the seabed which required the express permission of then Prime Minister, Hubert Ingraham.
Just like in the case of Fred building on the seabed at Smith’s Point, Grand Bahama, current Prime Minister Perry Christie has the statutory power and obligation to cause any and all structures without permits to be moved with all associated costs being paid by those who have been found to have transgressed.  We anticipate action will be taken before the next General Election.
By the time the smuggler-type illegal boat basin had been built by Bacon who had already presented himself as a serial litigator around the world, Bacon had hired the local law firm of Graham Thompson to ensure that The Bahamas and Bahamians would be no exception to his legions of Attorneys attacking everything and everyone who sought to expose him.
Graham Thompson is the law firm where former Chief Justice, Sir Michael Barnett had served as top litigator until 2008 when he took up an appointment to The Bahamas Senate and as Attorney General under the Hubert Ingraham Free National Movement administration.  Unbelievably, a year later, then Sir Michael, was moved from the top political legal post and appointed Chief Justice of The Bahamas, the top judiciary post – uhhmmm!
Bacon’s local legal army was topped off with the recruitment of Fred to act as the frontline mercenary.  It so happens that Attorney Robert Adams, the point man for Bacon in the absence of Sir Michael, had served as a pupil and junior attorney to Fred at Callanders & Co law firm in Freeport, Grand Bahama. Indeed, Adams would have known about Fred’s venomous assault on the shoreline of Smith’s Point in East Grand Bahama and that he had environmentally plundered the coastline of this once picturesque historical community with his conceited and self-serving groynes to control the tide, coastline and sand flow at Smith’s Point so as to create a beach for Smith’s palatial compound.

May 2016 More than 3 feet of Sand and Sediment Eroded as a result of Fred’s Illegally built Groyne at Smith’s Point, Grand Bahama

At the beginning of this summer, the PLP Christie Administration announced their intention to build a seawall along a portion of the coastline onto which Smith’s Point Settlement faces.  Although the objective is to prevent any further erosion of that portion where hundreds of people currently live and make a living, there seem not to have been any consultation with them or provision of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) to show how Fred’s unlawful action contributed to the existing erosion problem or if the construction and existence of it could exacerbate the problem.
It is left open to all and sundry that among other things, Bacon chose Fred for the fact that steps of what Fred had illegally done at Smith’s Point and seemingly gotten away with, would be of significant benefit to helping Bacon get away with the construction of the smuggler-type boat basis underneath his Point House, illegally built on the seabed without permits having been issued prior to the work being started.
One thing that is clear is that Fred Smith left no doubt that he was prepared to be the wrecking ball against the Government and people of The Bahamas.  As such, therefore, he required little or no motivation to sign up for duty with Louis Bacon and his villainous continued plot to harm and do irreparable damage to our Bahamian people, our Country’s international reputation simply because of our professional or private association with Nygård, an undeniable friend of countless ordinary Bahamians.
Like Bacon’s, Fred’s living fortress is impregnable.  To show his further contempt for his local neighbours at Smith’s Point Settlement, Fred imported two vicious dogs from the mixed-breed of which is a hybrid of the canine species used to track down and hunt Africans for sport during the brutal and barbaric days of Apartheid in South Africa.  Fred is said to have threatened the people of Smith’s Point Settlement to sic the dogs on them if they even walked along the beach and over the groyne that blocks off the beach.LMB_Famity
Bacon too, had made it no secret how he feels about persons of the African race.  In 2013, he proudly declared himself to be a proud Southerner whose “Holy Book” is the racist tome, “Gone with the Wind” which glorified and decried the emancipation of African slaves in the Jim Crow southern states of the USA.

Colonel Roger Moore of the 3rd North Carolina Calvary of the 41st Regiment of the Confederate Army of “the South”

We are convinced that Bacon’s genealogical heritage back to his maternal great grandfather, Colonel Roger Moore has had some influence on his racist comments and behavior toward our people, 99% of whom are of African extract.  Colonel Moore was the founder and chief of the division of the Ku Klux Klan there in Wilmington, North Carolina USA right after that country’s civil in the 1800’s.

Self-proclaimed HITMEN, Bobo (left) and Toogie (right) who say they work for Bacon who paid them millions of dollars to try to set-up Nygård and fabricate evidence in the court action accusing Nygård and Keod of conspiring to kill.

Until recently, this was the Team that Bacon had engaged in full throttle and motion to hijack all of the modern social advances made by the Bahamian Majority. 

However, in the early part of this year the tides changed, we saw the fact that he and Fred, using the recently disgraced former Chairman of the FNM, Michael Pintard, recruited and engaged two self-proclaimed “hit-men”, Wisler ‘Bobo’ Davilma and Livingston ‘Toogie’ Bullard to set up an elaborate fabrication scam against Nygård and Keod.
Voice recordings of conversations have now come to light proving that they were hired by Bacon to set up Nygård in an attempt to build a bogus conspiracy suggesting that both Nygård and Keod conspired with them to kill Bacon, Fred and others of Bacon’s nefarious team.
As these two criminals had also implicated PLP Prime Minister Perry Christie and Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis in their plot with Bacon and Fred to assassinate the character of both men as well as Nygård and Keod, Christie have charged the Commissioner of Police to investigate the whole affair and to level criminal charges.
Well, we believe that there is!


The most recent of the vexatious cases brought by Bacon in the Supreme Court of The Bahamas, was against Nygård and Keod for supposedly intimidating him, Fred and others on the basis of this very alleged conspiracy to plot to kill.  However, with the uncovering of these recordings, it is now clear that Bacon set it all up from the beginning using Bobo and Toogie as his henchmen to fabricate information and evidence which has now been put before the Court.


Why is it that criminal charges have not yet been leveled against Bacon, Pintard, Fred and the others who are Plaintiffs in the fabricated claim?
According to Nygård, these activities included the recruitment of two girls named Philincia (Philly) Cleare and Tazhmoye (Taz) Cummings to whom Bacon had promised to both pay significant sums of money, including the money that they have now used to relocate to the USA in exchange for fabricated testimony against Nygård.  Both girls had attempted to blackmail Nygård for $500,000 each.
Reliable sources say that Philincia is now living in the USA with Tazhmoye, financially supported by Bacon as he has done with another former employee of Nygård being used to fabricate evidence in a civil action against Nygård.  She was last seen to have posted on Facebook as recently as 20th July, 2016.
In the meantime, Toogie and Bobo have been bragging to numerous persons around the country of the millions of dollars paid to them in cash by Bacon to fabricate the allegations.  They have been heard around town bragging that they were released because of the protection they have from their employer, Bacon.
Although both Bobo and Toogie had been arrested and had been taken into custody by Bahamian police after the Commissioner had been directed by the Prime Minister to investigate, they have been released without charge.
Perry-ChristieHowever, where there is smoke there is fire.  As recently as the weekend of 16 July 2016, Bobo and Toogie along with two other persons were arrested in the Cayman Islands where they were making inquiries with certain commercial banks about depositing their huge sums of cash received from Bacon.  The banks got concerned when they heard the story about how these two self-proclaimed hitmen got their money and decided to call the local police who then deported them back to The Bahamas.
This seems to establish probable cause by which these two criminals as well as Bacon should be arrested, taken into custody and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
With the Prime Minister Christie pronouncing from the floor of Parliament that it was reprehensible that the Prime Minister and our country could be attacked by foreign persons like Bacon, he and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fred Mitchell made it clear that they have sought the assistance of the USA FBI and its State Department to thwart this treasonous conspiracy by Bacon to overthrow the democratically elected Government of The Bahamas.
In the wake of the PM’s pronouncement, a lot of debate took place on floor of the Parliament surrounding the tabling of a string of emailsfraudallegedly showing the flow of Bacon’s money to and through his incorporated organization called The Coalition to Protect Clifton Bay (aka Save The Bays), brother, Zachary Bacon, Fred’s law firm Callenders & Co and numerous other persons and entities.
The Speaker of the House ultimately ruled not to allow the documents to be tabled at that time, Fred and Bacon hustled before the Court to get an injunction prohibiting the emails being made public although
the emails were sent on to the Commissioner of Police to aid in his investigations.
Indeed, according to our Constitution, the injunction would have no bearing on the Attorney General if she determined that the emails complained underpinned criminal behaviour on the part of Bacon and his unrighteous cohorts in relation to financing Bobo and Toogie and other to fabricate which they have now perpetrated before the Courts.
With this treasure trove of information and basis for the laying of criminal charges against Bacon, Fred and their cohorts, inclusive of self-proclaimed hitmen Bobo and Toogie, it befuddles us as to how or why the current PLP Administration has refused or simply failed to take criminal legal action.
With the 2017 General Election fast approaching, I wonder whether PM Christie and his political colleagues do the right thing and not have their political supporters be forced to repeat their objections as in the 2016 Referendum for reasons of conscience.

LOUIS BACON thrown out of COURT in New York

Bacon's Attempt to "Court Shop" a Defamation Case against Peter Nygård - Thwarted!
New York Judge Cynthia Kern did not agree with Louis Bacon’s attempt to denigrate the Bahamas Court system when she ruled in favour of Peter Nygård that the Courts of The Bahamas is the appropriate place where Bacon’s defamation law suit against Nygård should be adjudicated.
The international media which has been tracking this case and the feud between the two men, quickly pounced on the story seconds after Judge Kern’s ruling.
By the time Bacon’s New York law suit was started in 2015, he had already commenced in The Bahamas several other litigations against Bahamians, who are described as Nygård’s allies and friends.
A local Attorney in The Bahamas said that the New York ruling demonstrates that Judge shopping and legal forum shopping to litigate is frowned on by responsible courts and Judges, worldwide.
Just this past week, Bahamian Attorney Greg Moss and Member of Parliament, from the floor of Parliament, accused Bacon’s Save the Bays and its chief mouth-piece, Fred Smith QC, of judge shopping. This claim was made in relation to the widely critical judgment of Guyanese Justice Indra Charles of the Bahamas Supreme Court.
In that judgment, Justice Charles amazingly ruled that she had jurisdiction over the Parliament of The Bahamas and could essentially override the powers of the Speaker of the House to suspend the age-old privilege enjoyed by Members of Parliament in relation to what they could say and disclose to the people’s parliament. Member of Parliament of Jerome Fitzgerald was cited as having breached Bacon’s privacy rights when he tabled emails which he claims discloses what we say is a criminal conspiracy on the part of Bacon’s Save The Bays and its key operatives. What is even more disturbingly hypocritical about this is that Bacon’s Save The Bays have been strongly advocating for the passage of a Freedom of Information Act in The Bahamas, but not in relation to their information which shows criminal activity.
Matters are made worse and leaves inquiring minds to discover that all of Bacon’s local court actions have unbelievably been placed before Justice Charles although the existing court procedure does not favour such a result as it could give the impression to an ordinary person that justice is not being served.
Some say that in the face of Bacon being implicated by two self-proclaimed murderers, Wisler “Bobo” Davilma and Livingston “Toogie” Bullard, who claim to have been hired by Bacon to fabricate evidence before the Courts against Nygård and his Attorney, Keod Smith, Justice Charles’ Judgment was so reckless that it has caused a constitutional conundrum, not only for The Bahamas, but potentially for many other Commonwealth countries who share similar constitutions to ours and the British common law. Yet, some say that Justice Charles’ Judgment has caused Bacon’s actions to be tantamount to treason as it reeks of a coup d'état.
Attorneys for Nygård and Keod Smith says that if Bacon files his New York suit in the courts in The Bahamas where the majority of the non-party witnesses reside, Nygård and the Government of The Bahamas whose reputation is also being attacked by Bacon, would be able to more easily and cost effectively, attend court and give evidence showing the world that Bacon’s action is without merit and substance, and amounts to an abuse of the process of the court.
From how Bacon had juxtapose his cases, it is now clear that he can no longer rely on competing jurisdictions in order to sneak and make a mockery of the judicial system in The Bahamas through the processes that he and his Save The Bays has been doing over the last few years.
Although grateful for what Judge Kern has done, Re-negotiate.Org is saddened by the fact that it has taken a New York Judge to protect the legal jurisdiction of The Bahamas from Bacon’s intended abuse.
We are forever hopeful that our local judges would ensure that the rule of law of The Bahamas prevails, even when billionaires like Bacon throws money around as he claims to seek justice before our Court. They must send a clear message to him.

Monday, November 23, 2015



Is Louis Bacon, the Hedge Fund kingpin, also the All Star quarterback of duplicity?

It would appear that while Bacon is pushing a friendly environmental agenda through his clandestine political machine known as “Save the Bays” in The Bahamas, Bacon has perpetrated serious environmental breaches, contravening established environmental laws and regulations.

One major dereliction is how Bacon constructed an illegal boat basin on the $20 million Point House compound in the ultra-wealthy, posh, exclusive gated confines of Lyford Cay in The Bahamas which he claims to be his.  The question is whether officials from the relevant Government agencies gave their prior approval of the dredging of the channel constructed as boat basin from beneath the house straight into the open Clifton Bay.

Approvals for the boat basin had been denied by the PLP Government (which was in office when Bacon dredged the channel for illegal Boat Basin and constructed).
The then PLP Government Minister of Works, Bradley Roberts and Minister for the Environment, Dr. Marcus Bethel, acting on the professional advice of the experts in the BEST Commission and in accordance with the relevant statutes and regulations, refused to issue the Permit after the illegal works as they considered Bacon’s action to be arrogant and disrespectful to the law and regulatory processes.   They thought to have him suffer the legal consequences, but were removed from office in the General Election of 2007 that took place a few months after the illegal works were brought to their attention.

The Government’s defined policy at that time and the law of the land, accorded with certain international protocols and agreements the Bahamas Government was a party to, general refused the construction of such private boat basins as they could harbor a variety of unwelcomed and illicit activities, inclusive of smuggling and trafficking in contraband as well as importing uncustomed goods, avoiding the payment of Customs tariffs.

In late 2010, after Bacon’s property manager of his estate was found dead in the pool in what the public general held as suspicious circumstances, the illegal dredging of the channel and construction of what many called a “smuggler-type” boat basin as it was covered from the sight of the public, came to light.
FNM Leader of Government Business in the Senate at the time, Senator Dion Foulkes, admitted on the floor of the Senate that ha, supported by the FNM Administration, gave Bacon the permit after the fact in the attempt to make his activity legal. 

Legal experts contend that this “after-the-fact” issuance of the permit, was not only suspicious, improper and illegal, but does not cure the criminal offence committed by Bacon under Bahamian laws which makes him liable to being sentenced to a term of imprisonment.

The FNM, which today is in Opposition, as was in the 2007 and 2012 General Election, seems to have the overt support of Bacon, whose supposed environmental charity, “The Coalition to Protect Clifton Bay” (also known as “Save the Bays”), have already seen several persons directly connected with it, as being touted as prospective Candidates for the FNM in the upcoming 2017 General Elections.

Under the existing law Mr. Bacon, constructed this boat basin in contravention of Bahamian law and international agreements, and was guilty of a serious offence and subject to a penalty

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Peter Nygard, the super wealthy Canadian Fashion merchandiser has hit embattled Hedge Fund tycoon counter sues Louis Bacon for $50 million in a New York court through which Bacon is forced to admit that his company, named after this maternal ancestry that has direct links to the Ku Klux Klan, was sued by an African American female employee for practices of institutional racism.

The case filed as Index Number 150400/2015 in New York “…will speak truth to the frivolous and vexatious positions that Bacon has used in his New York action against Mr. Nygard,” says Bahamas Attorney Keod Smith.
Mr. Nygard’s battery of Bahamian, Canadian and US attorneys are preparing for the New York Action.
Bacon will finally get to be grilled on the racial discrimination practices at his Moore Capitol Fund Hedge Fund operations. In 2008 before Juliet Pierre could have her case finally determined by the New York court following a finding by the state’s division on Human Rights of probable cause, Bacon and his Moore Capital Fund settled the racial discrimination law suit for an undisclosed sum in a confidential agreement.
Ms. Pierre had alleged that Bacon’s Moore Capital practiced a consistent policy of racism against the African Americans in its employ.
This now familiar racial tag for Bacon first surfaced in 2013 when, while speaking at an awards presentation for the Audubon Award in New York, he unashamedly said that as a “Southerner” his “Holy Book” is “Gone with Wind”.
Many persons have been incensed over his remarks, which came in the context of a dubious claim by Bacon that he “as a foreign white outsider” had “led” from behind a grassroots struggle on the island of New Providence, The Bahamas, to save a former Slave plantation at Clifton Point from being sold to a California Development Company with plans to mow down the structural ruins and artifacts, uproot its history and gate it off from the Bahamian people. Bacon has since gone on the run from The Bahamas.
Notwithstanding his disappearance which he has publically blamed on protests in the streets over his family’s link to the dreaded and despicable KKK of which his great grandfather Colonel Roger Moore was the founder of the Division in Wilmington North Carolina, Bacon has continued to hide behind a local organization which he formed called “Save the Bays” with spokesmen Louby Georges, Fred Smith QC, Joseph Darville and Paco Nunez.
This team vaulted themselves into a unique category of disrespect when they were recently dispatched to Washington to appear before the Inter American Commission on Human Rights where they alleged that Immigration policies in The Bahamas were akin to the dreaded German Auschwitz of World War 11 infamy.
Bacon is known to have been consistent in financing and supporting direct and indirect avenues which attempt to destroy the credibility or integrity of the current Government of The Bahamas.
Mr. Nygard is also contending that Bacon is using his wealth to peddle influence in The Bahamas and push the alternative Free National Movement in the next general elections.
The FNM when previously in office as Government made no bones about being Bacon’s lackeys and is believed by many to have even have broken the law to accommodate Bacon’s excesses in building an illegal boat basin at his Point House Lyford Cay residence and covering up the Coroner’s investigation into a suspicious death in a hot tub at Bacon’s residence.
Nygard makes more damaging allegations of fact against Bacon in his pleading:-
That Bacon has been ruthless and unrelenting in causing Nygard to suffer harm and damage.
That Bacon’s conduct can be traced to the venom he espoused when Nygard refused to sell the popular Nygard Cay to the Hedge Fund Manager.
That Bacon has recruited and paid numerous persons all over the world to use their influence and training and instructions to make life unbearable for Nygard.
That the result of the Bacon intimidation is to force Nygard to sell his property to Bacon.
That Bacon has further enlisted personnel in law enforcement to devise means to bring Nygard into disrepute.
That Bacon exposed his own overt racism in his speech to the Audubon Society in New York.
That Bacon has demonstrated a motivation and mission to keep native and or Black Bahamians restricted in movement in Clifton Bay, on its Sea bed and beaches.
That Bacon has become a serial litigator in The Bahamas by bringing Court Actions in rapidity to deter the Government from its Court ordered consultation process that must take place as a transparent decision can be made on Nygard’s applications and permits to rebuild his home which was destroyed mysteriously by fire.
That the grassroots struggle to save the Clifton property from the environmental genocide by the said American developer was actually led by Attorney Keod Smith, not Bacon.
Bacon has also immersed in serial litigation against Keod Smith in an effort to stall and or interfere with planned developments the Clifton Jaws Beach for an improved dock and ramp for access to Bahamians.
That Bacon has used his monies to engage reprehensible persons to manufacture untruths and allegations against and about Mr. Nygard which can and will lead to even more prolific material to harm Mr. Nygard.
That Bacon has made various untruthful claims and misrepresentations about his intentions and it is clear from the evidence to be presented that Bacon is co-coordinating and funding a campaign of mistrust and distrust of the incumbent Government of the Bahamas.
That Bacon has used a number of devices, apparatus, personnel and actions to cause damage to Mr. Nygard.
That a former Employee of Bacon named Dan Tuckerfield met his death after he disclosed to another person that something sinister was going to happen on the Nygard compound. A few days later Nygard’s home was destroyed by fire.
Commenting on the counter claim, attorney Keod Smith said the Nygard filing and hearing in New York will flush “Bacon out as the individual the suit has so clearly defined and the evidence that will be presented will prove to the world that truth is a great vindicator.”
Mr. Smith said, “Bacon will be found to have pursued a dangerous and ruinous trail and pattern to cause damage to Mr. Nygard in evil effort to force Nygard into selling him Nygard Cay. I can hardly wait to get into the Witness Box and shut Louis Bacon down once and for all. This man has set out to hurt my country, embarrass my Government and demean and defame the Bahamian people. Further he has lied on me as he attempted to grab a glory for something of which he was not even remotely associated with which is the grass roots struggle to save the Clifton property.”



Attorney and Activist Keod Smith says a recent story in The Tribune dated Friday, October 24th 2014 under the caption “PM ‘filmed’ Discussing Nygard Cay Construction” is another in a series of mischievous, dishonest and shoddy Journalism”.
Attorney Smith, one of Peter Nygard’s Bahamas-based Attorneys since 2010 said that the filming of certain events, activities and visits at Nygard Cay has been a part of its protocol from day one for the keeping of video records. None of what had been filmed was a secret.
He went on to explain that “a part of the experience of visiting Nygard Cay, is to have it memorialized by way of video recording. This is the reason why Mr. Nygard contracted Steven Feralio who had free access to all parts of Nygard Cay with his camera to openly film all of the goings-on. Afterall, visitors knew that they were being filmed and consented.”.
In 2013 the Prime Minister made an official visit to Nygard Cay, accompanied by several Ministers of the Government, their Permanent Secretaries and Technical Officers of various agencies of the Government for conducting a site visit in respect of Nygard having made applications for rebuilding his Mayan-theme mansion at Nygard Cay of which 70% had been destroyed in a mysterious fire in 2009.
The Prime Minister and his entourage were also there to have a firsthand view of the beach area to the south of Nygard Cay which Nygard contends had naturally accreted as a result of sand and sediments placed above the high water mark at the specific direction of the Government (both FNM and PLP administrations) since the early 1990’s. Also attending with Prime Minister Christie was Mr. David Davis, Permanent Secretary in the Office of Prime Minister under Mr. Hubert Ingraham who, on 21st July 2010, wrote the letter to Nygard requiring him to remove the 20-year long accreted beach.
Mr. Smith said the issue at Nygard Cay over whether Mr. Nygard has an entitlement to the accreted land area under review and consideration, demanded the fullest inspection of the highest level of Government, and for anyone to suggest something untoward about that process is not only disingenuous, but clearly has an ulterior motive.
He went on to say that the visit by Government officials to inspect properties which have applications pending before the Cabinet of The Bahamas is nothing new and is seen as a regular procedure.
“The newspapers are replete with photographs of successive Governments wearing their hard hats and inspecting properties from Atlantis, Bakers Bay, Four Seasons at Exuma, Mahoghany, the I Group in Mayaguana, developments in Cat Island, San Salvador and Bimini,” says Smith.
Sports Promoter, Carlos Mackey, who has been associated with Nygard Cay for more than 30 years, questions how it is that “…the Tribune does not reference the fact that over the years, the filming protocol at Nygard Cay include the likes of President George H. W. Bush, Michael Jackson, Sean Connery (1960’s James Bond), Oprah Winfrey, Anna Nicole Smith and Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan. Also, both FNM Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson and FNM House Speaker and Opposition Leader, Hon. Alvin Smith were filmed at Nygard Cay when they both served in their official capacities.”
Mackey points out that “…video recordings have also included Bahamas volleyball tournaments, celebrating the Golden Girls, Bahamas Olympic Teams, contributing financially to numerous sailing regattas, hosting numerous charity events inclusive of church retreats. Of tremendous importance to humanity, has been talks with medical doctors (local and international) as well as world renowned scientists about the development stem-cell science and its implementation.”.
Attorney Smith contends that the suggestion that there was something sinister in the videos that Feralio had taken from Nygard, only started after Bacon’s initial plot had failed.
Smith points out that Bacon has admitted in New York-based Court documents to having one of his companies called Belvedere Property Management Company, pay more than $5 Million in trust for the benefit of Feralio to move to New York from California just so that he (Feralio) could be sued by Bacon in New York Court for an order that the videos be privately given to Bacon for his use as he saw fit. Although Bacon suggests that he wanted to use the videos in Bahamian court proceedings, there has been no application made in Bahamian courts for these videos to be produced.
Attorney Smith says that “If Bacon had been successful with that plot, Bacon could have suggested that more was in the videos than what actually was in it. By Nygard intervening and insisting that Bacon and Feralio follow Bahamian law to put the videos in evidence in Bahamian Courts, Bacon has been stopped from giving the impression to the average person who has not seen the videos that the content was so sinister that he had to go through the New York Courts to get them. This is nothing more than a PR stunt by Bacon.”
Attorney Smith goes on to argue that “Bacon has now resorted to relying on The Tribune to attempt to publish provocative stories suggesting that something sinister, illegal or improper is attached to the Prime Minister’s visit to Nygard Cay. How is it that after so many weeks have past, The Tribune has not yet written a proper story on the assertion by Nygard that the videos, although not containing anything secret, is his private property that was taken by Feralio and hawked over to Bacon who is trying to misuse the New York Court processes.”
“There is nothing stopping Feralio from bringing the videos to The Bahamas to put into evidence. Of course, both he and Bacon would have to appear in Court to be cross-examined. No doubt, they are likely to be called upon by the Court to show cause why they should not be charged with fabrication and perhaps even extortion,” says the Attorney.
“The Tribune has been endorsed by Mr. Louis Bacon to carry his noxious brief and use its compromised columns to attack The Government of The Bahamas and the reputation of our country in Bacon’s mad quest (1) to falsely take credit for leading the 1999-2004 fight that saved Clifton; (2) to control the Bay of Clifton by keeping Bahamians out of it; (3) to conceal the fact that the saving of the environment at Clifton Point in respect of which he has gotten the Audubon Award, was never carried out by him, (4) to pressure Nygard to sell Nygard Cay to him; and (5) to try to get rid of the PLP Government and put in an FNM Government so that he is not called upon to face criminal charges for having illegally built a smuggler-type boat basin underneath the Lyford Cay house where he stays and that is owned by a company based in the Republic of Panama and not in the USA,” said Mr. Smith.