Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts

Monday, November 23, 2015



Is Louis Bacon, the Hedge Fund kingpin, also the All Star quarterback of duplicity?

It would appear that while Bacon is pushing a friendly environmental agenda through his clandestine political machine known as “Save the Bays” in The Bahamas, Bacon has perpetrated serious environmental breaches, contravening established environmental laws and regulations.

One major dereliction is how Bacon constructed an illegal boat basin on the $20 million Point House compound in the ultra-wealthy, posh, exclusive gated confines of Lyford Cay in The Bahamas which he claims to be his.  The question is whether officials from the relevant Government agencies gave their prior approval of the dredging of the channel constructed as boat basin from beneath the house straight into the open Clifton Bay.

Approvals for the boat basin had been denied by the PLP Government (which was in office when Bacon dredged the channel for illegal Boat Basin and constructed).
The then PLP Government Minister of Works, Bradley Roberts and Minister for the Environment, Dr. Marcus Bethel, acting on the professional advice of the experts in the BEST Commission and in accordance with the relevant statutes and regulations, refused to issue the Permit after the illegal works as they considered Bacon’s action to be arrogant and disrespectful to the law and regulatory processes.   They thought to have him suffer the legal consequences, but were removed from office in the General Election of 2007 that took place a few months after the illegal works were brought to their attention.

The Government’s defined policy at that time and the law of the land, accorded with certain international protocols and agreements the Bahamas Government was a party to, general refused the construction of such private boat basins as they could harbor a variety of unwelcomed and illicit activities, inclusive of smuggling and trafficking in contraband as well as importing uncustomed goods, avoiding the payment of Customs tariffs.

In late 2010, after Bacon’s property manager of his estate was found dead in the pool in what the public general held as suspicious circumstances, the illegal dredging of the channel and construction of what many called a “smuggler-type” boat basin as it was covered from the sight of the public, came to light.
FNM Leader of Government Business in the Senate at the time, Senator Dion Foulkes, admitted on the floor of the Senate that ha, supported by the FNM Administration, gave Bacon the permit after the fact in the attempt to make his activity legal. 

Legal experts contend that this “after-the-fact” issuance of the permit, was not only suspicious, improper and illegal, but does not cure the criminal offence committed by Bacon under Bahamian laws which makes him liable to being sentenced to a term of imprisonment.

The FNM, which today is in Opposition, as was in the 2007 and 2012 General Election, seems to have the overt support of Bacon, whose supposed environmental charity, “The Coalition to Protect Clifton Bay” (also known as “Save the Bays”), have already seen several persons directly connected with it, as being touted as prospective Candidates for the FNM in the upcoming 2017 General Elections.

Under the existing law Mr. Bacon, constructed this boat basin in contravention of Bahamian law and international agreements, and was guilty of a serious offence and subject to a penalty