Sunday, November 22, 2015


Peter Nygard, the super wealthy Canadian Fashion merchandiser has hit embattled Hedge Fund tycoon counter sues Louis Bacon for $50 million in a New York court through which Bacon is forced to admit that his company, named after this maternal ancestry that has direct links to the Ku Klux Klan, was sued by an African American female employee for practices of institutional racism.

The case filed as Index Number 150400/2015 in New York “…will speak truth to the frivolous and vexatious positions that Bacon has used in his New York action against Mr. Nygard,” says Bahamas Attorney Keod Smith.
Mr. Nygard’s battery of Bahamian, Canadian and US attorneys are preparing for the New York Action.
Bacon will finally get to be grilled on the racial discrimination practices at his Moore Capitol Fund Hedge Fund operations. In 2008 before Juliet Pierre could have her case finally determined by the New York court following a finding by the state’s division on Human Rights of probable cause, Bacon and his Moore Capital Fund settled the racial discrimination law suit for an undisclosed sum in a confidential agreement.
Ms. Pierre had alleged that Bacon’s Moore Capital practiced a consistent policy of racism against the African Americans in its employ.
This now familiar racial tag for Bacon first surfaced in 2013 when, while speaking at an awards presentation for the Audubon Award in New York, he unashamedly said that as a “Southerner” his “Holy Book” is “Gone with Wind”.
Many persons have been incensed over his remarks, which came in the context of a dubious claim by Bacon that he “as a foreign white outsider” had “led” from behind a grassroots struggle on the island of New Providence, The Bahamas, to save a former Slave plantation at Clifton Point from being sold to a California Development Company with plans to mow down the structural ruins and artifacts, uproot its history and gate it off from the Bahamian people. Bacon has since gone on the run from The Bahamas.
Notwithstanding his disappearance which he has publically blamed on protests in the streets over his family’s link to the dreaded and despicable KKK of which his great grandfather Colonel Roger Moore was the founder of the Division in Wilmington North Carolina, Bacon has continued to hide behind a local organization which he formed called “Save the Bays” with spokesmen Louby Georges, Fred Smith QC, Joseph Darville and Paco Nunez.
This team vaulted themselves into a unique category of disrespect when they were recently dispatched to Washington to appear before the Inter American Commission on Human Rights where they alleged that Immigration policies in The Bahamas were akin to the dreaded German Auschwitz of World War 11 infamy.
Bacon is known to have been consistent in financing and supporting direct and indirect avenues which attempt to destroy the credibility or integrity of the current Government of The Bahamas.
Mr. Nygard is also contending that Bacon is using his wealth to peddle influence in The Bahamas and push the alternative Free National Movement in the next general elections.
The FNM when previously in office as Government made no bones about being Bacon’s lackeys and is believed by many to have even have broken the law to accommodate Bacon’s excesses in building an illegal boat basin at his Point House Lyford Cay residence and covering up the Coroner’s investigation into a suspicious death in a hot tub at Bacon’s residence.
Nygard makes more damaging allegations of fact against Bacon in his pleading:-
That Bacon has been ruthless and unrelenting in causing Nygard to suffer harm and damage.
That Bacon’s conduct can be traced to the venom he espoused when Nygard refused to sell the popular Nygard Cay to the Hedge Fund Manager.
That Bacon has recruited and paid numerous persons all over the world to use their influence and training and instructions to make life unbearable for Nygard.
That the result of the Bacon intimidation is to force Nygard to sell his property to Bacon.
That Bacon has further enlisted personnel in law enforcement to devise means to bring Nygard into disrepute.
That Bacon exposed his own overt racism in his speech to the Audubon Society in New York.
That Bacon has demonstrated a motivation and mission to keep native and or Black Bahamians restricted in movement in Clifton Bay, on its Sea bed and beaches.
That Bacon has become a serial litigator in The Bahamas by bringing Court Actions in rapidity to deter the Government from its Court ordered consultation process that must take place as a transparent decision can be made on Nygard’s applications and permits to rebuild his home which was destroyed mysteriously by fire.
That the grassroots struggle to save the Clifton property from the environmental genocide by the said American developer was actually led by Attorney Keod Smith, not Bacon.
Bacon has also immersed in serial litigation against Keod Smith in an effort to stall and or interfere with planned developments the Clifton Jaws Beach for an improved dock and ramp for access to Bahamians.
That Bacon has used his monies to engage reprehensible persons to manufacture untruths and allegations against and about Mr. Nygard which can and will lead to even more prolific material to harm Mr. Nygard.
That Bacon has made various untruthful claims and misrepresentations about his intentions and it is clear from the evidence to be presented that Bacon is co-coordinating and funding a campaign of mistrust and distrust of the incumbent Government of the Bahamas.
That Bacon has used a number of devices, apparatus, personnel and actions to cause damage to Mr. Nygard.
That a former Employee of Bacon named Dan Tuckerfield met his death after he disclosed to another person that something sinister was going to happen on the Nygard compound. A few days later Nygard’s home was destroyed by fire.
Commenting on the counter claim, attorney Keod Smith said the Nygard filing and hearing in New York will flush “Bacon out as the individual the suit has so clearly defined and the evidence that will be presented will prove to the world that truth is a great vindicator.”
Mr. Smith said, “Bacon will be found to have pursued a dangerous and ruinous trail and pattern to cause damage to Mr. Nygard in evil effort to force Nygard into selling him Nygard Cay. I can hardly wait to get into the Witness Box and shut Louis Bacon down once and for all. This man has set out to hurt my country, embarrass my Government and demean and defame the Bahamian people. Further he has lied on me as he attempted to grab a glory for something of which he was not even remotely associated with which is the grass roots struggle to save the Clifton property.”

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